The Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction brings together people from many different walks of life to address Hamilton’s most pressing problem.
Hamilton has committed to a collaborative approach because no one sector has the solutions; no one group can tackle poverty alone.
The Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction has been a project of Hamilton Community Legal Clinic since 2014, and we would like to thank the Clinic’s board of directors and staff for their incredible support of our work.
The Roundtable’s efforts would not be possible without financial support from the City of Hamilton and the Hamilton Community Foundation. As our original co-conveners, they have been with us on every step of this journey to build a healthier, more inclusive and prosperous Hamilton.
Operational Steering Committee
Howard Elliott, Chair
Leila Ryan – Vice Chair
Terry Cooke
Matt Goodman
Peter Hutton
Paul Johnson
Mary Long
John Mills
Deirdre Pike
Joe-Anne Priel
Naseem Sherwani
Judy Travis
Hugh Tye
Jeff Wingard
Tom Cooper, Director
Jennifer Chivers, Administrative Coordinator
Laura Cattari, Campaign Coordinator